Boundary Street Advisors


Boundary Street Advisors is a full-service commercial real estate agency that believes making connections and sharing information can help more than just its clients. We worked with them to develop a corporate identity inspired by a poignant yet proud past.

Boundary Street was the southern boundary for the historic Charlotte neighborhood of Brooklyn. Prior to the 1960s, Brooklyn thrived as a vibrant community vital to Charlotte’s economic and cultural life. Urban renewal of the 1960s and 1970s spelled doom for Brooklyn and ultimately the erasure of Boundary Street from modern Charlotte.

During discovery, a few themes germane to the old Brooklyn neighborhood persisted: trees, tree-lined streets, spirited neighborhood pride, close-knit community, network of streets.

Borrowing from these themes, we settled on a tree depiction as a basis for the mark and explored things from there. The partners ultimately decided on a mark that combined influences from trees and street grids.

The Work

Primary logo

Color palette

Alternate logos

Business Cards

Felt embossment of logo

Property signage

Email template

Responsive landing page

Other Work

Suburban Management Group
Branding Giving New Life To Existing Brands

We teamed with Suburban Management Group to create and refresh multiple brands in its portfolio.